Flora & fauna
Whether you prefer to walk along the coastline, to explore the peaceful woodlands of Duff House or to climb up to the Temple of Venus, there are many opportunities to discover the wildlife of Banff and Macduff.
Steep cliffs and narrow ledges offer ideal nesting sites for seabirds like kittiwakes and herring gulls, and Scotland’s largest mainland gannet colony is just a short distance away at Troup Head. Explore the rocky shore to find starfish, whelks, periwinkles and crabs. Beneath the water are vast kelp forests which are exposed at low tide.
Further out to sea there are great shoals of fish, and the Moray Firth is home to the largest population of bottlenose dolphins in Britain. Seals and porpoises also live in these waters, while larger creatures like basking sharks, orcas, minke and humpback whales travel through the Firth. Visit Macduff Marine Aquarium to find out more about local marine life.
Thomas Edward (1814-86) was a naturalist from Banff. He spent many hours collecting and identifying specimens from the shoreline and steep cliffs, and published his findings in books and essays. A shoemaker by trade, he later became curator of Banff Museum.