Date(s) - 05/09/2019
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Deveron Sports Centre
Ever fancied having a shot at kayaking? Now’s your chance to have a wee try for free!😀
Time – 7 to 9pm (you can turn up any time during those 2 hours, but obviously the earlier the better). You can stay for all or any part of the 2 hours. No new person will be started after 8.30pm. You can “sign in” (see below) from 6.45pm onwards.
What do you need/ need to bring – You need to be a swimmer
You need to bring a swim suit/T-shirt (for wearing in the pool) & a
What will be provided – Kayaks and all necessary equipment
What do you do when you arrive at the pool – Go to the viewing area beside the pool & the person sitting at the desk. You will be told when/where to go.
Is there an age limit? – children must be of secondary school age, no upper age limit.
Can I learn to kayak with the club? – Yes, we will be running “Learn to Kayak” sessions over the winter, in the pool, on a Thursday evening (7 – 8pm every week). There will be an 11 week session running from the 19th September to the 12th December 2019, and then a 12 week session running from the 9th January 2020 through to the 26th March 2020. Full details will be given out on a sheet on the Come and Try night. Costs equate to £6 per person per week (payable in advance in a block, on a first come first served basis – maximum of 12 people for each), plus club membership (currently £20 per person). This amount just covers the hire of the pool! For the first session block the cost will be 11 x £6 = £66 plus £20 = £86, payable in advance.
If you would like to come please respond to this event as well as contact Alan Meikle, either by phone (07818 428793) or by E-mail ( With name, gender, age, any medical problems etc)